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Information about Cyl Ibersnacks Sociedad Limitada | Business DirectoryAll the information you need about the company Cyl Ibersnacks Sociedad Limitada is in the Business Directory. Log in and access all their data.Cyl Ibersnacks Sociedad Limitada
Search:CompanyModify data. UnsubscribeInformation provided by Information provided by Address:CARRETERA OLMEDO, KM 2.2Locality:MEDINA DEL CAMPOProvince:VALLADOLIDPhone:983812770Employees:
Sales: See sales evolutionCNAE: 1031 – Processing and preservation of potatoesCompany object:Manufacture and commercialization of potato…Manufacture and commercialization of potato chips and snacks.See complete company object Date of creation:20/10/2008
Cyl Ibersnacks Sociedad Limitada is classified in the list of economic activities CNAE 2009 as:1031: Processing and preserving of potatoes103: Processing and preserving of fruit and vegetables10: Food industry
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They are Mercadona’s inter-suppliers in the Chips and Snacks category and as such, they enjoy a stability that allows them to be a solvent company that develops future projects guaranteeing the best quality-price ratio.
Until 2010, 100% of their needs were closed through standard price and quantity contracts. From 2010 onwards, they started a pioneering experience in the sector based on the total involvement of the Transformation with the Primary Producer sector, acquiring higher commitments than those of any known contract established to date.
One of the objectives on which its business vision is based is to ensure that its growth is sustainable over time so as to enable it to undertake projects committed to society.
Based on this principle, they develop their Corporate Social Responsibility policies, which are fundamentally based on caring for people, their social and family environment and the environment.
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Cyl Ibersnacks Sociedad Limitada is registered in the Mercantile Registry of Valladolid. The share capital of this company is in the range of 100.001 – 1.000.000€, with a number of employees between 201 and 500 and a sales amount of more than 50.000.000€. It has 6 active corporate bodies, 27 historical corporate bodies and is related to 13 companies.
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Todos los precios mencionados en las ofertas de KAPITOL S.A. son en euros y no incluyen el IVA. Los costes de embalaje, envío, impuestos u otros costes asociados corren a cargo del cliente. Estos precios se han fijado sobre la base de los costes reales en la fecha del pedido. En caso de que se produzcan aumentos en el coste de los materiales y/o de los salarios y/o de otros elementos del precio, KAPITOL S:A tiene derecho a modificar sus precios de venta.
La entrega, el suministro, la aceptación y la recepción de los productos y/o servicios se consideran realizados en los almacenes de KAPITOL S.A. antes de la expedición. El transporte de los productos corre a cargo del cliente, salvo en el caso de que la entrega se realice con los vehículos de KAPITOL S.A. Los productos se transportan siempre por cuenta y riesgo del cliente. El cliente no puede rechazar las entregas parciales. La falta de una parte de la entrega de los productos y/o servicios no da derecho al cliente a rechazar toda la entrega.
Los plazos de entrega se indican a título informativo y se respetarán en la medida de lo posible. Para KAPITOL S.A., el retraso en el cumplimiento de un pedido no puede dar lugar a la anulación de los pedidos en cuestión ni conferir al cliente el derecho a abastecerse en otro lugar con cargo a KAPITOL S.A. ni dar lugar a la imposición de penalizaciones o intereses. Los plazos de entrega empiezan a correr a partir de la fecha de recepción del anticipo especificado en el pedido.