Maria reyes hellin cruz
Departure of the virgen del rosario, patroness of hellín
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Mesa redonda ii congreso-fórum plurilingüismo ,nuevos
Métodos: Se trata de un análisis transversal con un componente analítico, en el que se incluyeron 205 estudiantes de bachillerato de seis colegios oficiales. El análisis se realizó mediante el software estadístico SPSS versión 24. Las variables cualitativas se expresaron como proporciones con sus correspondientes intervalos de confianza (IC) del 95 %. Las variables cuantitativas se expresaron como medidas de tendencia central y de dispersión, según la distribución de la variable. Finalmente, se calculó una odds ratio para los factores asociados con un IC del 95 % y se utilizó el modelo estadístico de regresión logística binaria para ajustar las variables.
Resultados: la prevalencia global del consumo tabáquico fue del 38,5 %, IC 95 % (31,6-45,4 %); cigarrillo electrónico, del 20 %, IC 95 % (14,2-25,7 %); cigarrillo, del 18,5 %, IC 95 % (12,9-24,1 %); y narguile, del 17,9 %, IC 95 % (12,1-23 %), con más frecuencia en mujeres que en hombres. Los factores asociados fueron la edad (OR 3,17, IC 95 % [1,48-6,79]), tener novio que consume tabaco (OR 2,51, IC 95 % (1,36-4,63 %), estar rodeado de amigos que fumen (OR 7,0, IC 95 % [3,4 -14,5]) y comprar cigarrillos sueltos (OR 2,60, IC 95 % (1,26-5,3).
Round table ii congress-forum on plurilingualism ,new
The origin of one of the most important festivities of our city, the Day of the Cross, which is celebrated on May 3, has to do with a miracle attributed to the nun Sister Maria de la Cruz Baeza, a native of Belmonte, Cuenca, who was born on April 5, 1684.
Her elevations from the ground were very frequent, as well as her ecstatic moments. On one occasion he spent eleven consecutive days in a state of ecstasy, with only his breathing and pulse. In this state, the doctors even bled her, and her blood, they say, gushed like that of a healthy and robust person».
Museum and convent of santa clara. zafra (badajoz)
The substitute magistrates and substitute judges will take possession in accordance with the provisions of the thirteenth base of the call and articles 99.3 and 4 of Regulation 2/2011, of April 24, of the Judicial Career.
The substitute magistrates and substitute judges appointed, before taking office, shall take an oath or promise in accordance with the terms set forth in articles 318 and 321 of the Organic Law of the Judiciary. The term of office shall be three days from the oath or promise and, in any case, 20 calendar days, computed from the day following the day of publication of this resolution in the «Official Gazette of the State».
Those who have already taken the oath or promise as a result of having previously held the position of substitute judge or substitute judge shall be exempt from the requirement of taking the oath or promise. In this case, they must take office within twenty calendar days from the day following the publication of this resolution in the «Official State Gazette». Exceptionally, for duly justified reasons, the General Council of the Judiciary may extend the aforementioned term up to a maximum of two months.