Colegio de fomento los robles
Aceimar school
In Secondary School we continue with the STEAM program as well as with the debate program. In addition, the «Entrepreneurship Program» is incorporated, which aims to promote the development of autonomy, creativity, leadership, communication skills and responsibility to enhance the entrepreneurial spirit of the students. The subjects taught in English allow more than 80 % of the students in the 2nd year of ESO to finish with a B1 level or higher. The objective is to achieve that most of them finish the stage with a B2 level, accredited by Cambridge.
Vilavella school
I understand an educational entrepreneur as someone who, dedicated to education, has the restlessness to look for new ways to reinvent himself every day in his teaching task. First of all, I think it is necessary that he/she has a clear goal, an objective to reach. In this way, he will not remain in the means but will always tend to a clear end. Along with this, he must be passionate about his task, always ready to give himself completely to find different ways to get closer to the goal. And for this there is no age limit. It is a myth that only young people are entrepreneurs. I have seen teachers, truly passionate about their work, about to retire with the strength and innovative drive that many young people would like.
New technologies are changing the way people function, especially young people, who are even more immersed in this world. A teacher of the 21st century must be able to educate in and from the new technologies, adapting to the «terrain» so that his message arrives codified in the language that young people are able to understand.
Escuelas fomento españa
The center has an entrepreneurship club made up of 50 students. In the specific case of the MIT project, a group of five students will develop a project on the use of food, within the three proposed areas such as recycling, renewable energies and food, explained Fernando Bárcenas. At the end of the program, in April, the best teams from around the world will meet for a week at the MIT Entrepreneurship Campus in Boston (USA) to present and defend their work.
If they reach this final, it would not be the first time that young people from this center visit the United States: Los Robles was one of those chosen within the La Caixa Entrepreneurship Challenge program in 2016 to live the experience of a training trip to Silicon Valley (United States), where they developed the project «Easy Drive», an application to provide the driver with information related to their vehicle and that incorporated an automatic warning system in case of emergency.
Colegio école
Sociedad Italiana de Adrogué Rosales 1518 Cámara Comercio de Solano Rosa e/ Lirio y Camelia Sociedad de Fomento Castelli Vicepresident Alsina Esquina Carola Lorenini CIC «Don Orione» Eva Perón 750 Seccional Alte Brown SUTEBA Ferrari 512 Polideportivo Municipal de Ministro Rivadavia 25 mayo y Quiroga CIC «El Gaucho» Martín Fierro y Alsina. Perón N° 870 (Ex Gorriti N° 300) CIC «Malvinas Argentinas» Louis Pasteur and Lapacho Sociedad de Fomento Murphy 3273 San Martín Street.
UTN – Facultad Regional Bahía Blanca Montevideo 340 Cooperativa obrera Chiclana 627 Centro de Jubilados «Ingerio White» Plunkett 3809 Unión ferroviaria de Bahía Blanca Almafuerte 643 Gimnasio Escuelas Medias (UNS) Gorriti 36
Centro de Actividades «Roberto De Vicenzo» Calle 18 y 148 Berazategui Club Ducilo 5 y 151 SEDRONAR calle 57 128 y 129 Agencia Pami Berazategui Lisandro de la Torre e/ 12 y 13 Seccional Berazategui ATE 148 Nº 958 e/ 9 y 10 Agencia PAMI 52 n 3125