Els avencs de la febró

Els avencs de la febró


Some time ago Blai proposed me to make a little route from La Mussara to visit these two places and so we did it on this day. Leaving from El Refugio de la Mussara we did a route of almost 9 km and very little slope with easy difficulty.
Perhaps because of the popularity of the route, perhaps the good day that was forecast this Sunday was what made that for this day we gathered almost 60 people to walk, which scared the guard of the Refuge of the Mussara and I had to reassure him that we were only Els Perduts, very peaceful people even if it was cooling beer for our return at the end of the route.


Avenc or in Spanish (sima) is the name given to a very large and deep cavity or crevice in the earth. The aforementioned cavity opens to the outside from a well, a conduit usually vertical or steep slope after the succession of an erosive process of certain rocks over time.
As we have already told you, we leave the vehicle in the area and cross the road. There we find the beginning of a dirt road with a post full of signs with indications. We must take this road towards els Avencs de la Febró. We will advance along this uphill path for approximately 10 minutes and we will arrive at the parking lot of the forest.
In the second option, at the fork, we must follow the main track for about 5 – 10 minutes, until after a curve, on the right hand side, we find a sign on a tree that says a little blurred, «escolteu el silenci». Here you must take the path to the right of the tree and then the path that goes to the left.

Toll de l’olla

We pass under a huge rock stuck in the crevice (Jan says it is the one that chased Indiana Jones in the movie; I have my doubts, but if he says so…) while we finish descending and we all meet at the bottom of the chasm.
We return to the main room and from there to the cave exit. The hikers have already left the place and we are alone with the scorpions and other fauna that inhabit these places. It is now time to start the ascent passing again under the rock stranded.

Gorgs de la febró

Avenc or in Spanish (sima) is the name given to a very large and deep cavity or crevice in the earth. The aforementioned cavity opens to the outside from a well, a conduit usually vertical or steep slope after the succession of an erosive process of certain rocks over time.
As we have already told you, we leave the vehicle in the area and cross the road. There we find the beginning of a dirt road with a post full of signs with indications. We must take this road towards els Avencs de la Febró. We will advance along this uphill path for approximately 10 minutes and we will arrive at the parking lot of the forest.
In the second option, at the fork, we must follow the main track for about 5 – 10 minutes, until after a curve, on the right hand side, we find a sign on a tree that says a little blurred, «escolteu el silenci». Here you must take the path to the right of the tree and then the path that goes to the left.